I Don’t Know Where You Came From, But You Were Sent To Me, And I Thank God Everyday For It
By Wesley Carroll
For some reason, only known to you and God,
You decided you want us to go sit on a corner,
and eat ice cream,
and just watch the cars, buses and trucks go by.
So here we go, off we go,
To get your favorite ice cream and sit on a curb,
Any curb and just watch the vehicles go by.
Even though internally I thought,
This was quite an unusual thing to do.
You though, had a blast and got a real kick out of it,
For some reason, this really made your day,
And i was just happy to have been a part.
Then out of the blue another day,
You wanted us to go skate boarding,
So here we go again, off to skate board,
With the laughter, falling and all.
Geez, I just don’t know what to call it,
But off we went to go skate board.
Oh this was a blast for you,
You even fell a couple of times or two,
We stayed on the ground more than on the board,
But it made your day, bless the lord.
Son on this day we’re off to some town council meeting,
To go over some new ordinances and such,
When all of a sudden,
You want the town to discuss and take a vote,
For more daffodils to be planted in the town park.
So here I go too, backing and supporting,
And even giving an eloquent speech,
For daffodils to be planted in the town’s park.
Ever since you were a baby,
And the doctor allowed me,
To bring you into this world of ours,
Being with you and assisting you,
Has become my greatest motivation too.
You were oh so small,
Yet full healthy and all
But oh so small,
Made me feel you needed my help with all.
But now that you are a bit older,
This still does not negate the fact,
That I, your daddy, will be here for you always.