Divine Instructions of The Adept Chambers
By Louie Kirk
In all situations good or bad, positive or negative, it is the (MIND) that gives it its character! The same situation and circumstances that destroy one man and ruins his life, will make another man a KINGPIN, because of his “THOUGHT” process! Hypocrisy is a tribute that VICE pays to VIRTUE, because the hypocrite still has some degree of STANDARDS. But the man of degenerate mind, will do absolutely anything & everything! Narrow mindedness, self- righteous behavior ,tunnel vision and unwillingness to change, even when greater knowledge appears, impedes our progress and our growth towards a perfect union with GOD, and with each other! The old ways and methods are now unacceptable in the light of today’s needs and necessities. The “FREEDOM”, that we are seeking must come first, in the form of a “FREE-DOME” (MIND) because our current situation is just as much psychological as it is physical, as our minds have been geared towards the focus of acting against our own best interest! Our paradigms power our perceptions, and perceptions power emotions. Most emotions are responses to Perception; I.E. what you “THINK” is true about a given situation . If you perception is false, then your emotional response to it will be false as well. So check your perception and check the truth of your paradigms (what you believe). The more you live in truth, the more your emotions will help you see clearly.