
Sober Lifestyle
By Da’Von Motley Sr.

Today society is littered with drugs and alcohol like your local dump. Its easier to find drugs than it is to find help with positive direction in life. The support systems that we have are broken and its even worse for Incarcerated People because addiction blankets the prison system. I’m proud to say I’m drug and alcohol free! Its hard and sometimes the stress that I endure tempts me and I wonder how it feels to be high. Living life and being stressed out about issues and problems coupled with being in prison will make most people give into substance use and abuse. AA/NA is a tool that’s being used often to help forge a support system. A lot of us of course have families and children and people who where in our lives before prison. Unfortunately, over a decade in with no one to call or no support stings pretty bad. So why not go get high and ease my mind? What’s wrong with drinking some hooch? I’ll tell you. So many memories of negative experiences and other people’s negative experiences instantly flood the brain. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong! Its not worth it and I implore those of you who are battling with addiction to keep fighting and find those support systems. They may be those AA/NA meetings or other sober people you work with or know. Its important to have people in your life who will help you, keep pushing you to do the right thing, and more importantly who believes in you. Please stay safe!!